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Garibaldi Lodge

R:.W:. Joseph Cesare
October 4, 1949 - March 29, 2020
RW Brother Joe Cesare was a dedicated member of Garibaldi Lodge for 24 years, having been initiated on April 17, 1995, passed on October 20, 1995 and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on March 1, 1996. He served as Worshipful Master of the Lodge in 2003-2004, afterward remaining active and distinguishing himself in ritual work. He raised each of his three sons to the degree of Master Mason: Right Worshipful Brother Vincenzo Cesare, Worshipful Brother Anthony Cesare and Brother Lorenzo Cesare.
In 2007 he was appointed to the position, Grand Representative to the Grand Orient of Italy near the Grand Lodge of the State of New York, serving in this capacity for three years. He was active in the Tenth Manhattan District, serving on several committees, and was a valued member of the Purple Circle of the Tenth Manhattan District.
He is survived by his wife Josephine Cesare, his sons Vincenzo, Lorenzo and Anthony as well as as five grandchildren.
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